Scott Parish joined Alcon Entertainment in 2000 as Vice President of Finance to assist in building the Company into a leading motion picture producer and financier. He was promoted to CFO in 2004. In 2008, he was promoted to Chief Operating Officer. He currently holds both titles, overseeing all finance, business affairs and operations for the Company.
Parish has raised over $100MM in production financing from all over the world including tax-advantaged subsidies in Germany, the U.K. and Canada. In May 2008, Parish served as the lead negotiator in a $550MM film financing facility with JP Morgan Chase to produce and finance 15 films over five years, which was re-financed in July 2011 on the strength of Alcon’s theatrical performance from films like THE BLIND SIDE, BOOK OF ELI and P.S. I LOVE YOU. He was also named to Variety’s Dealmakers of 2008.
Parish has 20 years of financial and operational management experience in the entertainment industry. Prior to joining Alcon, he spent six years at New Regency as Vice President of Finance and Operations and was a lead liaison in setting up and managing the $600 million Revolving Credit Facility through JP Morgan Chase.
Parish earned his B.S. in Transportation and Logistics in 1984 from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville (UTK). He earned an MBA degree of the University of Tennessee in 1991. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife and three children.