Chris Bender and JC Spink

Chris Bender  JC Spink

Chris Bender and JC Spink established Benderspink in November of 1998 with American Pie in post-production and fourteen writer clients signed to their management company. Their film production arm has had a successful first look deal with New Line Cinema for over ten years.

They have produced or developed projects that have grown into five franchises in various genres: Final Destination, American Pie, The Ring, Cats and Dogs, and The Butterfly Effect. Eight of their movies have opened to number one, and Bender and Spink were nominated for a Golden Globe for A History of Violence. Benderspink has continued to make diverse feature films over the past ten years including Just Friend, Monster-in-Law, Red Eye, Leap Year and The Hangover.

In 2011, they produced a remake of Arthur starring Russell Brand, Helen Mirren and Jennifer Garner which was released by Warner Brothers, and are Executive Producers on I Am Number Four as well as The Hangover I, II, & III. They are currently in post-production on Burt Wonderstone starring Steve Carell for New Line Cinema and in production on We’re the Millers in North Carolina.